2010年10月3日 星期日




Success in academia is hypothesized to require specific phenotypes.   In  order to understand how such unusual traits arise, we used human clones  to identify the molecular events that occur during the transition from a  graduate student to professor. A pool of graduate student clones was subjected to several rounds of random mutagenesis followed by selection on  minimal money media in the absence of dental insurance.

Students surviving  this selection were further screened for the ability to work long hours with vending machine snacks as a sole carbon source; clones satisfying  these requirements were dubbed "post-docs". In order to identify assistant  professors from amongst the post-docs, this pool was further  mutagenized,  and screened for the ability to turn esoteric results into a 50 minute  seminar.

Finally, these assistant professors were evaluated for their potential to become full professors in two ways: first, they were screened   for overproduction and surface display of stress proteins such as Hsp70.  Assistant professors that displayed such proteins (so-called "stressed-out" mutants) were then fused to the M13 coat protein, displayed on phages  and   passed over a friend and family members column, to identify those that  were incapable of functional interactions. These were called full professors.

Although these mutants arose independently, they shared striking  phenotypes.  These included the propensity to talk incessantly about their own research, the inability to accurately judge the time required to  complete bench work, and the belief that all their ideas constituted good thesis projects. The linkage of all these traits suggests that these  phenotypes are coordinately regulated.  Preliminary experiments have identified a putative global regulator.  Studies are currently being conducted to determine if overexpression of this gene product in post-docs and grad students can speed up the grad student-full professor  evolutionary process.


The present paper, titled "Direct Evolution of a Full Professor" is a fascinating document, well worth publication. However, the authors fail  to note several topics sure to be of interest to the Journal's readers. For example, it is a well-documented phenomenon that transition to industry  can occur at any point along the evolutionary pathway. The authors fail to comment on the possible mechanisms behind such versatility.  Plasmid-borne  resistance genes encoding a tropism for rich media have been postulated  to fulfill this function. In support of this hypothesis, it may be noted that previous researchers who attempted to isolate this plasmid quickly underwent transition and never published their findings.




題目是:Why God Never Received Tenure at any University  (為何神在任何大學都無法拿到終身教授聘書?)

1.          He had only one major publication.(他只有一篇主論文)
2.          It was in Hebrew.(這主論文還是用希伯來文寫的)(註:世界一流的期刊,都是英文的)
3.          It had no references.(這個主論文,沒有參考文獻)
4.          It wasn't published in a refereed journal.(這主論文,也不是在有審查制度的期刊裡發表)
5.          Some even doubt he wrote it himself.(有些人甚至認為不是他寫的)
6.          It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?(或許他真的創造了世界,但從那個時候到現在,他還有新的研究發表嗎?)
7.          His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.(他沒有跟多少人合作)
8.          The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.(其他研究者無法重複他的實驗)
9.          He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use human subjects.(他也沒有跟「人體試驗委員會」申請人體試驗許可)
10.      When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.(實驗搞砸的時候,他乾脆把實驗結果淹死)
11.      When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample .(對於不合於預期的實驗結果,通常他都直接刪除)
12.      He rarely came to class, just told students to read the Book.(他很少到課堂授課,都只叫學生回家讀書)
13.      Some say he had his son teach the class.(有時甚至叫兒子代課)
14.      He expelled his first two students for learning.(他把頭兩個學生給開除了)
15.      Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed his tests.(雖然他的考試只有十題,但是大部分學生都考不過)
16.      His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountaintop.(他的office hours太少,而且常常都在山頂這種太偏僻的地方)
